Saturday, May 17, 2014

Happy Long Weekend everyone!

Hello Gardeners, 

This is not an official maintenance day but I will be up in the garden today (Saturday, May 17th) from 10am-1pm to mark out plots, put down wood chips and work on the community plot. Feel free to stop in and join! We have a white board in the shed now, it has information on what general maintenance needs to be done around the garden. If you come up on your own and want to work grab a job off that board. 

We will be having a youth volunteer coming into the garden today. He is 12 years old and volunteering for a school project. If anyone has children that would be capable of weeding/measuring feel free to bring them (you are welcome to leave them with me for an hour or two if they are comfortable.) 

You will see up in the garden plots 1 and 2 are boxed in. You are welcome to box in your plot (at your own cost.) It must be with untreated lumber and to the proper measurements of a plot (4x8ft or 4x16ft.) If you are interested and don't know how or do not have the tools please let me know, we may be able to do a workshop on this if we get enough interest. I believe the cost is around $20-$40. 

We are still trying to get compost for the garden. We will definitely have some near the end of May but would like to have something sooner. If you know of anyone that has any well composted manure let me know (I have a truck and could shovel/pick up.) 

Please keep spreading the word about the garden. We have about 17 plots available. 
Have a wonderful long weekend everyone! 


Madeleine Berrevoets 
Garden Coordinator 

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